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This awesome blog is courtesy of our friends at Advocacy and Welfare for BaBH.

University is a whole new world filled with confusing words, acronyms that seemingly have no meaning and many, many late nights. While we can’t help with late nights, we can help explain some of the terms you’ll be seeing around. If you need help with any of the applications mentioned please contact us!


Academic Integrity Module (AIM): A compulsory module provided through Moodle, including videos, practical exercises, quizzes and links to resources designed to help you understand what it means to act with academic integrity and the consequences of misconduct. You will not be able to submit any assessments until you complete this module. Enroll in the module here.

Academic Misconduct: Academic Misconduct is any conduct in which a student seeks to gain an academic advantage which they are not entitled to, or improperly disadvantages someone else. It can include cheating, reusing another student’s assignment, reusing an assignment you have submitted previously, and plagiarism. For the full definition of Academic Misconduct and the possible penalties, head here.

Academic Penalty: If you withdraw after the last date to withdraw without failure, you will incur an academic penalty. This is where you are deemed to have automatically failed the unit and your transcript will show a WN (Withdrawn Fail). Check out all the unit codes here.

Academic Record: An official record of your study at the university. This includes your academic transcript and testamur.

Advanced Standing: You may be able to receive recognition of your previous studies as advanced standing (sometimes also referred to as credit, or recognition of prior learning). This can lessen the amount of units you need to study in your current degree.


Behavioural Misconduct: Behavioural misconduct is behaviour which breaches the University’s expectation of students. This can include abuse, threats, violence, intimidation, damage to property, hazing and possession of drugs or firearms. For the full definition of Behavioural Misconduct and the possible penalties, head here.


Census Date: The last day you can withdraw from a unit without financial penalty. If you withdraw after, you may be liable to pay the unit fee. Speak to us about Remission of Fees if you have withdrawn after this date.

Commonwealth Assistance Form: An Australian Government form that you need to complete before Census Date if you want to enroll in a Commonwealth Supported place or apply for a HELP Loan.

Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN): document sent to you after Census Date that outlines important information about your enrolment, including any HELP debt, student contributions and loan fees.

Commonwealth Supported Place: The Australian Government subsidises your course fees and you pay the remainder as a student contribution. For more information head here.

Core Unit: A compulsory unit of study that you need to complete to be awarded a particular degree.

Co-requisite: A unit that you must have either previously passed, or are studying at the same time as another related unit. Some co-requisites will require concurrent study.


Deferral: You can delay the commencement of your course until a later teaching period. This may because you decide to take a gap year, or you would prefer to start your studies later in the year. If you defer your course, your place will be held in your offered degree.

Degree: A Bachelor’s, Honours, Masters or PhD qualification.

Domestic Student: A domestic student is an Australian or New Zealand Citizen (including dual citizens), a permanent resident of Australia or a student that holds a permanent Australian humanitarian visa.

Double Degree: When you complete two separate qualifications together.


Eduroam: Is the secure internet network at UNE and other participating institutions. It allows students, researchers and staff to access internet across campus and when visiting other participating institutions without additional setup. For setup information, head here.

Elective Unit: A unit that can be outside of your major. This gives you the flexibility to expand your interests.

Exams: A form of assessment. Examinations are a formal test that assess your knowledge and ability. They are usually held in the designated exam period, which is at the end of each teaching period. Exams can be held at your chosen Exam Centre or online!

Exclusion: You may be excluded from your studies for unsatisfactory academic progress. You will be first asked to ‘Show Cause’ to explain why you should be allowed to continue studying. If you do not provide an explanation, or your explanation is unsatisfactory, you will be excluded. If you are excluded, you are no longer a student, and cannot study for that time period. If you have been excluded, please contact us to discuss your options.


Faculty: The primary academic grouping within UNE. Faculties are organized into narrower groups (i.e. schools and departments).

Fees: An amount of money you are required to pay for tuition and/or student services and amenities. Tuition fees are based on your residency status, and the course or units you are enrolled in.

Financial Liability: Your financial responsibility for your fees. This includes HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP loans.

Full-time Study: This typically involves enrolling in eight units over the academic year.


Grade: The outcome you receive for a unit based on the assessments completed. Your grades are displayed on your academic transcript as a result code.

Graduand: A person who has completed the requirements for their degree, but has not received their award at a graduation ceremony.

Graduate: A person who has completed the requirements for their degree, and had the award conferred on them at a graduation ceremony.

Graduation: The formal conferring of awards at a Graduation Ceremony.


Higher Degree Research (HDR) Student: A student enrolled in postgraduate university course, comprised of a unique supervised research project.

Honours: Honours is the highest level you can complete in an undergraduate degree. It is usually an extra year of study that combines aspects of undergraduate study with postgraduate research. It usually involves the completion of a thesis or a creative or practice-based research project. Speak with Student Success about course rules relating to Honours candidature for your course.


Insiders’ Guide: A series of blogs written by UNE Student Success. Insider’s Guide varies from warning you about a Moodle outage, to giving you tips when enrolling!

Intensive School: Short, concentrated periods of teaching conducted over a few days, or a single week. They may include lectures, tutorials or practicals. Attendance may be compulsory. Intensive schools may take place at the UNE Armidale or Parramatta campuses.

International Student: An international student is a student that is not an Australian or New Zealand citizen, a permanent resident of Australia, or one who holds a permanent Australian humanitarian visa. International students need to hold an appropriate visa that allows them to study in Australia.


Last day to Withdraw without Failure: If you withdraw before or on this day, your transcript will show a Withdrawn (W) Grade. If you withdraw after this date you will incur academic penalty, and receive a fail grade (WN) on your transcript. This date will occur several weeks after Census Date. If this has occurred speak to us about your options.

Leave of Absence: Also referred to as Suspending your Course or an Intermission. If you need to take some time off, you can apply for leave in Trimester blocks (i.e. Trimester 1) or for a year at a time. You must apply for leave prior to the Census Date of that Trimester.

Lecture: A formal presentation to a group of students by a lecturer.


Major: major is a specialization within a degree. It requires a specific amount of units in one topic to be studied. It shows that you have completed comprehensive study in one area, in addition to the general course program.

Mid-Trimester Break: Each trimester contains a mid-trimester break that lasts approximately two weeks. The breaks may contain intensive schools.

Moodle: The online learning platform that UNE uses.

MyUNE: The online portal for all UNE students, where you can change your contact details, enroll and unenroll from units, access your Confirmation of Current Enrolment, and more.


Non-Award Study: Non-Award Study is where you can study individual units offered, but are not enrolled in or eligible for the completion of a degree.


Orientation (O-Week): Orientation is delivered in different ways depending on whether you are online or on-campus. Orientation is designed to help students successfully transition into study.


Part Time Study: The University considers a part time study load as 7 units (42 credit points) or less over the academic year. You need to be aware of the implications part time study may have on any Centrelink payments.

Placement: Some degrees, such as Education and Nursing, require students to go on placement. Students can then demonstrate their knowledge in a real life environment, like a school or hospital.

Plagiarism: Plagiarism is using the work of other people without acknowledgement. It can include using a source word for word without appropriate referencing, using someone else’s ideas without appropriate referencing, submitting your own past assignments or copying and submitting another students work. Click here for help avoiding plagiarism.

Postgraduate Study: Postgraduate study requires either a previous undergraduate qualification and/or relevant work experience for entry. Postgraduate study is an advanced level of study that requires higher level understanding, greater independence and more specialized knowledge.

Pre-Requisite Unit: A unit that you must pass before you will be permitted to enroll in a related or subsequent unit


Referencing: Referencing is a way of acknowledging the sources you have used in your assessments. You need to reference whenever you use someone else’s words, ideas or research. A lack of referencing could lead to an Academic Misconduct allegation. There are a number of different styles at UNE, have a look here to see which style suits your degree.

Remission of Fees: If you have withdrawn from units after the Census Date due to special circumstances (such as serious illness) where you were unable to continue your studies, you may apply for a Remission of Fees. If approved, you will not be financially liable for the unit fees and will have a Withdrawal (W) Grade on your transcript. For more information, check out our blog on the topic.

Residential Wellness Week: Wellness Week is for 1st year residential college students and is held in the first week of the UNE Orientation. Wellness Week helps students connect with all the support services available at UNE to help transition into university life.

Restriction Unit: A restriction describes a unit that you have already successfully completed, which is considered the equivalent to another unit that you are attempting to enroll in. Depending on the units you have completed previously, you may be exempt from completing subsequent restricted units.

Results: Your final results for each unit are released after the end of each teaching period. You can view your results through myUNE, you will also receive confirmation directly to your student email address.


Scholarship: Scholarships are a form of support, usually financial, to help you with the costs of study. UNE has numerous scholarships available.

Show Cause: If you have not met the progression requirements for your course, you may have to ‘show cause’ why you should be allowed to continue your degree. If you can successfully show cause, you will be allowed to remain in your course however, there may be some restrictions placed on you. If you cannot, you may be excluded for a defined period of time.

Special Consideration: If an unforeseen or unavoidable circumstance (i.e. illness) negatively affected your performance in an assessment or exam, it may be taken into account. See here for more info.

Special Exam: The chance to re-sit an exam which you were unable to attend, or where your performance was negatively affected by unforeseen or avoidable circumstances (i.e. illness). See here for more info.

Special Extension of Time (SET): If you require a more substantial extension (i.e. more than 2 weeks) for an assessment item, where you have been unable to submit due to an illness or special circumstances beyond your control, you can apply for a SET. For more info, see here.

Statutory Declaration: statutory declaration is a signed, written statement declared to be true in the presence of an authorized witness.

Student ID Card: A card that displays your photo and your student number, and is proof of your enrolment. You need it to borrow books from the university library, sit for examinations, access college facilities and for photocopying and printing.

Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF): A fee the University can charge for non-academic things, such as sporting and recreational activities, counselling and support services and orientation programs. SAAF funds our Food Pantry!

Study Load: The number of credit points you are enrolled in during each Trimester


Tertiary Literacy Assessment (TLA): A non-compulsory module provided through Moodle, strongly recommended to all newly enrolled undergraduate students. It will enable you to determine your personal strengths and weaknesses in the areas of academic writing; information literacy; computer literacy; and mathematics. Enroll in this Moodle unit here.

Testamur: The hard copy of the certificate or award that you are given when you complete your award course and graduate. A testamur lists your name, course and date it was conferred.

Timetable: A weekly schedule of your classes for the Trimester. Your timetable will list the units enrolled in, the location, time and duration of your classes. Create your timetable here.

Transcript: A complete record of your studies at the university. It includes all units of study (attempted and completed) and your grade for each.

Trimester: The academic year at UNE is divided into three trimesters. Trimester 3 is not compulsory and only a limited number of courses are offered to commencing students in Trimester 3. UNE is growing the amount of units offered for each course in Trimester 3.

Tune! FM 106.9: Tune!FM is a student-driven radio station, located on campus at UNE. Tune!FM is operated by UNE Life, staff and student volunteers! Contact Tune!FM if you’d like to get involved.

Turnitin: Turnitin is software used by the university that checks all assessments for potentially unoriginal content or resemblance to other sources. It utilizes databased including previous student assessments, journal articles, books and online sources. Students can self-check their assessment and referencing before submitting their final assessment to identify any areas of improvement.

Tutorial: A tutorial or ‘tute’ is a smaller and less formal learning setting. Students are guided by a tutor, can ask questions, have group discussions and go through any tutorial questions


Undergraduate: A course leading to a diploma or a bachelor’s degree, or a student studying at this level.


Withdrawing From a Course (Discontinuing Study): Withdrawing from your course means you are no longer continuing your studies and cease to be a student at the university. If you withdraw prior to Census Date you will not be charged for the units. See other options here.

Withdrawing From a Unit: Withdrawing from a unit means you are no longer studying this unit. If you withdraw prior to Census Date you will not be charged for the units. If you withdraw prior to the last day to withdraw without failure, you will receive a withdrawal grade on your transcript. If you have withdrawn after these dates please discuss your options with us.


How Advocacy & Welfare can help

If you’ve received an email or letter from UNE and you’re unsure what to do, get in touch with us. We can help you navigate the bumps in the road. We are completely free, independent and confidential. If we cannot directly assist you, we can put you in touch with UNE support services that best suit your circumstances.

We can be contacted at or on (02) 6773 3116. If you’re on campus, feel free to visit our office in the Arcade, to the north of Café Life.


For more Advocacy & Welfare updates you can find us on social media.

Instagram: @AdvocacyWelfare
Facebook: AdvocacyWelfareUNE

Or if you’re looking to connect with more UNE students check out the Student Social Directory
