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Interview with Lily Pilmore, Chairperson of Farming Futures

Are you a UNE student passionate about agriculture and eager to connect with industry professionals while studying? Look no further than Farming Futures, a dynamic club dedicated to bridging the gap between students and the agricultural industry. Whether you’re seeking graduate positions, summer jobs, or simply want to explore diverse opportunities within the field, Farming Futures has something for you.

We spoke to Lily Pilmore, the 2024 Chairperson of Farming Futures, about what this club is all about and how students can get involved.

1. In a nutshell, what is Farming Futures all about? 

Farming Futures is about connecting students to businesses within the agricultural industry, this can either be for graduate positions, summer jobs, or to learn more about other ways to be involved.

2. What’s your role within the club and what does it involve?

My role in Farming Futures is Chairperson, this involves overseeing our subcommittees planning all of our events, working alongside the university, and spending a lot of time talking to students. I get to meet so many people from all types of businesses, and learn about what they have to offer to students. My favourite part of my role is seeing my committee work well together, pulling off event after event while also seeing students get the opportunities they have always wanted.

3. What are some of the most popular events or activities your club organises? 

Farming Futures has 3 main events each year, these are our Careers Fair, Industry Dinner and Schools Program. All university students are more than welcome to our Careers Fair and Industry Dinner on the 18th of July this year! We are also collaborating with RSUS to put on another 2 events, one with Kaylx called Farma Parma and another called Socks and Crocs- which will have more information on our Instagram!

4. How can someone with a strong interest in agriculture get the most out of being a member?

We have 2 committees, we have our executive committee who switch over annually, and our AGM for this is at the end of trimester 2 or we have our general committee which is on Facebook for any students to be apart of. In our general committee we usually ask if anyone is able to help with any events, this is setting up, taking down and running events, and is a great stepping stone to the executive committee!

5. For online students who can’t make it to campus events, what are some ways they can still be involved with Farming Futures? 

Farming Futures is releasing a website in the coming weeks, here we will have a space for online students to contact us about anything ag related, we will be advertising jobs, sponsors will also have a space on the website. We are also looking into live streaming some of our events so no one misses out, and we also are very consistent on our social media pages- so be sure to give us a follow.

6. Does your club have any online platforms or social media groups, where students can connect with you?

Farming Futures has multiple Facebook groups: Farming Futures General Committee 2024, and Farming Futures UNE. We also have an Instagram account (farming_futures_une) as well as a TikTok (@farmingfutures)

7. How has being a member of Farming Futures added to your student experience?

Being a member of Farming Futures has added to my student experience, not only have I met so many amazing like-minded people through the committee, I have also interacted with so many businesses and gained a lot of career opportunities.

8. Looking ahead, are there any exciting events or initiatives planned by the club that students can look forward to? 

Farming Futures is constantly on the lookout for more opportunities for UNE students, these include working with other committees, different businesses, more projects, just so we can help all UNE students no matter where you are.

9. Is there anything unique or quirky about your club that you’d like to share? 

Something unique about Farming Futures is due to our large online presence, we are always needing more content to share and get to do a photoshoot or two over the year! It is always a heap of fun, everyone gets to have a go and ends up with some really cool pictures!

10. For someone who might be hesitant to join a club, what would you say to convince them to give yours a try? 

Give Farming Futures try, to meet heaps of new people, you gain so many different skills that help you during and after your degree, and on top of that we have super cool merch and really fun (and useful) events. As much as we are an agricultural committee, we also have law firms, banks, and so many more businesses that aren’t just ag related.

Find your fit with Clubs & Societies and become a member of Farming Futures by heading to their UniOne profile and selecting ‘Join or Renew’.
