UNE Zoology Society 2023

Interview with Kathleen Murphy, President of the UNE Zoology Society

This month, we are highlighting the UNE Zoology Society, a vibrant community dedicated to those who share a passion for animals, conservation, and the environment. Whether you’re on campus or studying online, the UNE Zoology Society offers an inclusive space for students to connect, learn, and grow together. Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with Kathleen Murphy, President of the UNE Zoology Society, who will share insights into the club’s activities, the exciting events they organise, and how being part of this society can enrich your university experience.

1. In a nutshell, what’s your society all about? 

The UNE Zoology Society is about connecting those passionate about animals, conservation, and the environment. We aim to foster a community among students both on-campus and online.

2. What’s your role within the society and what does it involve?

My role is the President of the Zoology Society. My main role is to be the bridge between the club, faculty, and UNE Life. I plan and coordinate our events with our other committee members and I also am in charge of the club’s social media presence.

3. What are some of the most popular events or activities your club organises? 

By far our most popular event is our spotlighting nights! This is where we go out at night to one of the many national parks or nature reserves in the Armidale Area to survey nocturnal fauna. Generally, we work with Senior Lecturer, Dr Eric Nordberg, on these trips but we have been joined by a lot of the Zoology faculty like Dr’s Zen Czenze, Deb Bower, Heidi Kolkert, and Anna Probert. The types of fauna we see on the trips are very dependent on the season and location but we have been lucky enough to find sugar and greater gliders, tawny frogmouths, leaf-tailed geckos, ringtail possums, and more!

These spotlighting trips are really valuable for zoology and environmental science students as spotlighting is a technique used by working ecologists/environmentalists to survey nocturnal fauna. This is one of the ways the Zoology Society helps to develop skills in our members that can help them with their careers after they finish at UNE.

4. How can someone with a strong interest in zoology get the most out of being a member?

One of the best ways to do this is to try and come to our events as much as you can. An additional aim of the club is to create networking opportunities for members, and we do this by creating a wide range of events that we invite a diverse number of people to. Our members get the opportunity to deepen their connection with UNE academics, meet professional field ecologists, zoologists working for the government, and much more when they come to our events.

Additionally, a great way to keep up with what the club is doing is through our Instagram and Facebook pages. We post on there regularly about our events, volunteer opportunities and also relevant zoological news. For those that don’t engage in social media, we try and post our events to the UNE Environment page on MyLearn as well!

5. For online students who can’t make it to campus events, what are some ways they can still be involved with the UNE Zoology Society ? 

The majority of UNE’s students study online so we try our best to provide opportunities for them to engage with the club! We run online events such as meet and greets, paint and sips, as well as photography competitions that you can get a part of no matter where you live. We also run a blog titled “Curios of the Week” which is where any person can write in a short 500 word or so story about something they are passionate in. We have had submissions about new surveying technologies, animals in antiquity, cool adaptations of animals, current news stories and more! We are currently looking for submissions so that is a great way to get involved with our club.

Additionally, when our online students do come to campus during the intensive period, we always run social and skill-building events for them during this time.

On a regular basis however, as before, following us on social media is a great way to get involved with the club and stay up to date with what is happening.

6. Does your club have any online platforms or social media groups, where students can connect with you?

Yep, our Instagram and Facebook is really active and the best way to connect with us. For anyone not on social media, make sure you are a part of the UNE Environment Community Page on MyLearn and have notifications ON! We will post important updates on that page as well.

7. How has being a member of the Zoology Society added to your student experience?

The UNE Zoology Society has enhanced my student experience exponentially. Through my involvement with this club I have developed so many different skills from animal identification, surveying skills, social media management, networking and so much more. I have met the most amazing people through the Zoology Society and because I am involved with the club, I feel like I know so many more people within the UNE community and beyond.

Additionally, my involvement with the club has gotten me job opportunities and scholarships at UNE.

8. Looking ahead, are there any exciting events or initiatives planned by the society that students can look forward to? 

Absolutely! We are looking forward to a jam-packed Trimester 2 with more spotlighting events, Nights at the Museum, and a photography scavenger hunt competition. We are also putting together our second annual careers seminar at the moment which is shaping up to be really exciting!

9. For someone who might be hesitant to join a club, what would you say to convince them to give yours a try? 

I went my whole first year on campus without getting involved in a club and while I enjoyed the academic side of my course, joining the Zoology Society has enriched my social life so much. All you need to join the Zoology Society is a passion for the environment! We are open to all students no matter what you study or where you’re studying it. We try to offer a range of events for all interests so if you have an idea you’d like for us to do, please send us an email or DM!

Getting involved in any club at UNE will enhance your university experience but the Zoology Society is perfect if you love nature, animals, and the environment!

