Oswald DemiBold
Size: 100%
Oswald Heavy
Size: 66% of H1
Quipley Regular
Size: 66% of H1
Oswald Regular
Size: 33% of H1
#E5332A RGB 229, 51, 41 CMYK 4%, 95%, 95%, 0%
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#5EBFC3 RGB 94,191,195 CMYK 60%, 3%, 25%, 0%
#B2DCE2 RGB 178, 220, 226 CMYK 29%, 2%,10%, 0%
#F59F13 RGB 245,159,19 CMYK 2%, 43%,100%, 0%
#FDD48A RGB 253, 212,138 CMYK 1%,17%, 53%, 0%
#A4C530 RGB 164, 197, 48 CMYK 41%, 4%,100%, 0%
#DFE37F RGB 223, 227, 127 CMYK 15%, 1%, 64%, 0%
#66529D RGB 102, 82, 157 CMYK 71%, 78%,3%, 0%
#9292C7 RGB 146, 146,199 CMYK 44%, 41%, 0%, 0%
#2E716F RGB 46, 113, 111 CMYK 82%, 39%,53%, 16%
#57BBB1 RGB 87, 187, 177 CMYK 63%, 3%, 63%, 0%
Common questions about RnA and BaBH
Affirmative consent is when the verbal and physical cues a person is giving you show that they are comfortable, consenting and keen to continue.
To put it simply, its the proactive asking and giving of consent between people.
This means “no” is still ‘no’, AND the absence of an enthusiastic and ongoing “yes” is also a ‘no’.
Every person has the right to choose to have sex the way they want, and to make that choice freely every time without feeling pressured due to their circumstances or out of fear of repercussions. Saying “yes” to a kiss or allowing your partner to touch you, caress you, take your top off etc. does not imply a yes to everything.
The most basic thing to remember is that consent is voluntary, enthusiastic and continuous.
Without consent is if someone does something to you that you don’t want.
Examples of without consent could be;
Without consent also includes;
The term “sexual assault” covers a range of different types of sexual behaviour that can be understood as unwanted or forced.
Sexual assault can happen to anyone regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, religion or disability. It is a violation of trust is the exploitation of a vulnerability and the abuse of power.
Sexual violence does not always include physical touch. It might involve, but is not limited to, coercion, manipulation, grooming or other non-physical acts of a sexual kind that make a person feel unsafe.
Forcing or coercing someone to have sex when they don’t want to is sexual assault, regardless of the relationship between the perpetrator and victim. Consent needs to be sought each and every time.
Women, men and people with other gender identities can be sexually assaulted by someone of the same or different gender, by use of an object or hand.
Sexual harassment can be a form of discrimination against the victim, and is an inappropriate assertion of power by the perpetrator. Sexual harassment can occur anywhere, in person or online.
Examples of sexual harassment include;
In any environment, it is important that you assess the situation. If you feel you are in danger, take immediate precautions.
Rape culture is the notion of normalizing sexual violence… this means normalising societal attitudes and cultural perspectives that address the sex roles and patriarchal views.
Rape culture is;
Accepting rape myths only helps to create environments in which many individuals are disempowered. This includes everyone; women, men, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Active bystanders are everyday superheroes.